Marcel Van Hattem: Leadership, Politics and Free Press

New Media UFM  | 19 de abril de 2022  | Vistas: 36

Antigua Forum Brazil Free Press Leadership

In Antigua Forum 2022, Francisco González interviewed Marcel Van Hattem, member of the Chamber of Deputies, the Lower House of Congress in Brazil, and Vice leader of the Partido Novo. Van Hattem has had a wide experience in public service in Brazil, starting his political career at only 17 years old, and now concentrating his efforts in promote liberty and free market from his seat.

Van Hattem talked about the major motivations that helped him start his public career, stating that he didn’t want to live in another country, he wanted to lived in an another Brazil. That message resonated with a lot of Brazilians at the time, since the levels of corruption and political wear have been on the rise in the country.

Also, he discussed about how free press is fundamental for democracy. He started working as a journalist at a very young age and that experience gave him the understanding about the role the press has in today’s world. One of the challenges is the objectiveness in which the stories are been told and he also remarked how journalists should stick to the truth no matter who dislikes it.

In reporting, journalists should keep their eye on the truth no matter if it will hurt somebody.” 

Learn more interesting ideas from The Antigua Forum 2022!