| 25 de marzo de 2015 | Vistas: 66
Comercio Emprendimiento Finanzas StartupsIn this panel, Gabriel Delgado Ayau leads four successful entrepreneurs in discussing the challenges of starting a business and following your passion. What is the ideal environment required to fuel startup endeavours?
Kyle Passarelli, director of engineering at Xoom Corporation, shares the story of an international bill payment product born to help U.S. based, Latin American communities aid their mirror towns in Guatemala. Thomaz Cortes, founder of Mokane, describes his early days as a university student launching a business in Sao Paulo, Brazil. Akhil Nigam, co-founder of Mass Challenge, describes the essential components starting entrepreneurs require to successfully execute a valuable idea. Together the panelists explore a wide range of important questions, from how to handle fear of failure and need for mentorship, to co-founder experiences and financing strategies in times of scarcity.
Nuestra misión es la enseñanza y difusión de los principios éticos, jurídicos y económicos de una sociedad de personas libres y responsables.
Universidad Francisco Marroquín