College Freedom Forum | | 35 Lecciones
Estefanía Campos | 09 de abril de 2019 | Vistas: 50
College Freedom Forum Freedom Freedom of speech Human RightsRyan Shae was part of College Freedom Forum 2019, where he shared a strong message on technology, freedom and digital deadly sins. In this interview with Roberto Quevedo, vice president of UFM, he shares his ideas on the control people have in the Internet, the defense of digital freedom and the use of blockchain to decentralize the World Wide Web.
Are people in control of their information on the Internet today? Shae explains we don’t really know what is being done with our data, if it’s being accessed, shared or sold to companies. On the other hand, we cannot express ourselves in some places because of censorship. Later he talks about the human rights that are vulnerable in the current way the Internet works.
We need to stand up for these rights and we need to make sure that we demand to use software that is encrypted, private and not subject to censorship.”
Then, Ryan talks about his work helping developers building applications with a different software, business model and technology to protect their privacy, and describes the opportunities that blockchain -an open global financial system - brings to the creation of decentralized software.
Freedom on the Internet is becoming more synonymous with freedom in general”.
Finally Shea talks about his latest work as a human rights activist; he says currently he is focusing on creating software because he believes the impact could be greater to promote freedom.
Watch his CFF conference: Technology, Freedom, and the Digital Deadly Sins
Nuestra misión es la enseñanza y difusión de los principios éticos, jurídicos y económicos de una sociedad de personas libres y responsables.
Universidad Francisco Marroquín