•     |    
    Initial credits
  • 00:06    |    
    • Use of new computation tools and its effects on architecture practice
    • The emergence of authorship
    • by Marcel Duchamp (1917)
    • Representing the status of art
    • Andy Warhol and the mass production of art
    • Architecture as art in context
  • 06:26    |    
    The relationship between architecture and technology
    • Divorce between the inside and outside
    • Manfredo Tafuri on the transitional species of architects
    • Robert Venturi regarding shed decoration
    • Rem Koolhas on envelope functionality
    • The performative envelope
    • Architecture as an artistic medium
    • Limits of the artistic medium
  • 14:28    |    
    Characteristics of architecture as a medium
    • Post-elevator period and its effects
    • Multiplications of thresholds in space
    • Different relationships with the outside world
    • Architecture before the elevator
    • The medium of architecture before and after the computer
    • Change of the plan in the post-elevator period
    • Successive space
    • Lateral city
    • Antonio da Sangallo: The first architect
    • Reaction to succession by Michelangelo
    • Leon Battista Alberti and the main principle of classical architecture
    • Internal unity in the object of architecture
  • 23:58    |    
    Rethinking the author
    • Efforts to deal with vertical succession
    • Raising of the Villa Savoye: The division of architecture between horizontal and vertical succession
    • Horizontal array in Broadacre City by Frank Lloyd Wright
    • The one-story projects
    • Louis Sullivan's column theory
    • Mies van der Rohe and the non-hierarchical condition
    • Transformation of the vertical construction in Frank Lloyd Wright's Guggenheim Museum
    • Film as a useful medium of succession
    • Film as a constant changing narrative
    • Flicker film of a building
  • 39:39    |    
    Succession in architecture and its solutions
    • Elimination of vertical succession in profile and plan
    • Adolf Loos and the manifestation of the relationship between the inside and the outside
    • Extrusion replacing stacking
    • Horizontal extrusion
    • Act of extrusion as motion
    • Morphology of plans as motion films
    • Plans as anatomical sections
    • Quote, n Chris Marker (1966)
    • Rem Koolhas and the morphology of spaces
    • The city as a generator of architecture
    • Athletic club in New York City
    • Christian Kerez and his piling technique
    • Le Corbusier: Confrontation in the understanding of buildings
    • The vanishing point of architecture
    • Le Corbusier on the german treatment of the skyscraper facade
    • Unification of floors by the same relationship with the horizon
    • Plan Voisin and the demolition of Paris
    • The next interior in horizontal and vertical succession
    • Condition of viewing and experiencing movement
    • Taiwan museum of art
    • Arcade Canopy in New York City
    • Tel Aviv museum of Art
    • Datong library in China
    • Science center in China
    • Essence of tilting
    • Movement back into the landscape
    • Definition of architecture as a medium
  • 01:11:56    |    
    Questions and answers section
    • A possible solution to succession is creating successive, internal spaces that change the relationship of a building with the outside, as a house does. Don you think this is an answer to the problem?
    • How do you envision the cities of the future?
    • How do you see the necessity of privacy and security as a challenge of urban design and integration?
  • 01:22:29    |    
    Final credits

The Vanishing Point of Modern Architecture

  | 13 de enero de 2014  | Vistas: 91

Facultad de Arquitectura UFM

Preston Scott Cohen explores the evolution of architecture’s guiding principles throughout history. Over the years, a transitional, dissociative movement has periodically removed the architect’s sense of authorship and has lead to a divorce between the inside of a building and its outside. The architect is reduced to a creator of facades, or “performative envelopes” that do not relate to the purpose and inside of the structure, and break with the environment.

Scott Cohen explores architecture as a medium that is comparable to art and film, and describes the root of this problem in the necessity of succession, both in cities’ horizontal distributions and in buildings that stack vertically. He describes historical solutions to the problem, from Leonardo Da Vinci’s introduction of hierarchy to Frank Lloyd Wright’s spiraling stacks at The Guggenheim. He finally introduces his own technique, with tilted ribbon windows inspired in the Le Corbusier's fenetre en longueur, and buildings that have a close relationship with the environment and shift authorship to the medium.

Distorting the convention makes it evident, he says. In order to oppose the norm, the architect must reclaim the design of both the interior and the outside, and revise the association of buildings to their surroundings.





Preston Scott Cohen is the Gerald M. McCue Professor at the…


Nuestra misión es la enseñanza y difusión de los principios éticos, jurídicos y económicos de una sociedad de personas libres y responsables.

Universidad Francisco Marroquín