Antigua Forum | | 74 Lecciones
Yasmin Valdez | 06 de julio de 2018 | Vistas: 25
Antigua Forum Economy Free Market FreedomDenis Calabrese is a communicator expert and co-founder of Texans for Lawsuit Reform. He discusses his shifting experience after reading a phrase from Milton Friedman and tells how he got to discover a successful way to improve people’s lives. He goes into why some methods of communicating ideas may not be the best and give his tips on how to empower more people.
Economic liberty is much more important than political liberty.” Milton Friedman
He comments on how counterproductive can be when people try to duplicate a feeling in someone else, for them to feel a similar “aha! moment”, when discovering or understanding something. Denis exposes an important question and is about whether you can really help people to lead a better life, and what needs to be communicated to do it.
Calabrese talks About the fight between believers and non-believers of liberty. How a change of perception in debates or discussions could bring viable solutions to today’s problems, rather than having every proposal thrown off the table; without getting into a different place to solve the real issues.
The imperfect solution is better than no solution, and often we’re offering no solution.”
As an expert in communication, he explains how focusing only on communicating skills, may not help to get the message across the people. Denis shows the other side of the coin, to become a better communicator. He proposes a way to explain important and complex concepts that can increase the support for different movements, like the liberty movement.
Finally, Denis gives his approach on economic freedom issues, and how sometimes big business can act like governments, but he also shows the difference between them. He finishes on his view on who invented the word capitalism.
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Nuestra misión es la enseñanza y difusión de los principios éticos, jurídicos y económicos de una sociedad de personas libres y responsables.
Universidad Francisco Marroquín