Facultad de Arquitectura UFM | arquitectura.ufm.edu | 72 Lecciones
| 05 de septiembre de 2016 | Vistas: 115
Architecture Design Facultad de Arquitectura UFMTaller Ken, was founded by architects Gregory Melitonov and Ines Guzman in 2013, with the focus of providing playful design with social and cultural relevancy. After working in some projects in New York and Genova, he decided to found his firm in Guatemala:
Both Ines and I found very fertile ground in Guatemala, where we opened our firm”
He’s invited several architects from around the world to work in his projects. He describes the special relationship within the members of his team and how they’ve accomplished great things by combining everyone’s abilities.
Throughout the years, they have been part of several projects where they have shown their innovative vision, combining elements from the context and history of Guatemala and playful, colorful and cool fresh ideas. Some of these are:
Melitonov talks about the inspiration behind them, the materials and textures used how they shaped the definition of who they are. Have you visited any of these places?
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Nuestra misión es la enseñanza y difusión de los principios éticos, jurídicos y económicos de una sociedad de personas libres y responsables.
Universidad Francisco Marroquín