Pano Kanelos: Freedom of Conscience in Higher Education

New Media UFM  | 22 de enero de 2023  | Vistas: 57

Antigua Forum Freedom Higher Education UFM

The Antigua Forum is a project of Universidad Francisco Marroquín in Guatemala, and an exclusive, annual gathering of political reformers and entrepreneurs from around the world who believe in the power of human ingenuity and free enterprise to dramatically improve the well-being of people everywhere.

During this interview we have the participation of Francisco González, CEO of Fearless Journeys and Pano Kanelos founding president of the University of Austin. In this interview both participants talk about the project of Kanelos about the creation of his new university

In this interview Kanelos talks about the University of Austin, a new university being built with a mission to focus on the pursuit of knowledge, intellectual inquiry, and outspoken discourse.  In addition, it aims to create a culture of open inquiry, freedom of conscience, and civil discourse. The university plans to open its doors in fall 2024 and aims to offer an affordable and intellectually rigorous education.

Let's build a university that returns to first principles in education.” — Pano Kanelos

Kanelos also mentions that he wants to challenge the bureaucratic nature of higher education and prioritize academic freedom. He also mentions that there are economic challenges in higher education, such as rising student loan debt, and the need to make education more affordable.

 Create a culture of communication, dialogue, and trust.” — Pano Kanelos

On the other hand, he notes that the University of Austin has a goal of creating an environment that fosters communication, dialogue, and trust, accommodating a wide range of opinions and perspectives. While some conservative institutions have emerged in response to the perceived dominance of the left in higher education, the University of Austin seeks to promote intellectual pluralism.

Create a successful university that stays true to its mission over time."— Pano Kanelos

Finally, Pano Kanelos notes that he was inspired by Universidad Francisco Marroquín (UFM) as a model for building a successful university that remains true to its mission. 

Join the Antigua Forum, where project owners receive feedback and ideas for their initiatives, and the importance of interactive dialogue and learning from each other's perspectives.


President of University of Austin (UATX)


Nuestra misión es la enseñanza y difusión de los principios éticos, jurídicos y económicos de una sociedad de personas libres y responsables.

Universidad Francisco Marroquín